How To Change Your Guitar Strings In Five Simple Steps (Less than 60 Seconds Per String!)

Seriously, do NOT pay for a Guitar Center guitar setup or any other big box music retail setup, most of the employees don’t seem to know what they are doing, they don’t do anything you cannot easily do yourself, and they charge way too much!  The first five years of my music career I was ripped off for hundreds of dollars simply due to my ignorance, and I don’t want that to happen to you.  To be fair, I have had better luck (i.e. ripped off for tens, not hundreds, of dollars) with smaller mom and pop type shops, but nevertheless, it’s easy enough to get your guitar cooking on your own while saving your hard-earned dough.  Besides, you can impress all your friends with you bitchin’ axe and maybe even charge them a couple bucks to set theirs up to too!

In this post, I’m going to show you how to perform one of the most essential and basic tasks a guitar player should know how to do, and be able to do themselves: quickly and easily change your guitar strings!

From my experience, even if someone can do this on their own they are not comfortable with the process, they’re unsure of the best way to perform some of the steps, and it may take them more than 30 minutes (!) to have their guitar restrung and in tune.  What a waste of potential practice time!  You do want to get better, right?  Do you want your guitar to go from dead and flat sounding, to vibrant and new in less than 6 minutes?  Then read on, my young Jedi guitar apprentice… Continue reading

What’s up?!? I’m here to provide you with all of your DIY guitar needs!


Image by southerntabitha via Flickr

Hey everyone, I’m currently working on some videos and an e-book so none of us axe slingers will ever get ripped off for “professional” set-ups ever again!  How frustrating is it to buy a sexy new guitar only to have it play like a turd?  Still shelling out extra bucks for an in-store set up done by the obviously professional music store guy?  I used to do this too until I learned a few simple insider tips used by professional techs around the world.  In the upcoming video I’ll show you how to get your guitar to play like a dream for just the price of some new strings!